Friday, May 12, 2006

the training continues

Well, ms. tudor rose, you may be nostalgic about the Fort, but this training is dragging on and on and on and on and on and on...

I can barely even remember what we did yesterday. We did some sight specific stuff in the morning and then some IDS training (interdisciplinary studies training, or drawing other interests into what we do here) which involved a movie with John Burke (I think that's his name). Amusing, but I admittedly had trouble staying awake.

But on a different note. I started the day literally thinking about what elephant calves I have and subsequently had two separate individuals remark at what nice calves I had. Weird. But that was a nice boost.

Anyways, today's training, more sight specific but it was rainy so we conversed and nothing of importance came out of it. Andrew was asking us where we might like to be positioned at first go in the Fort and I think he sensed my absolute lack of enthusiasm for any of the places a female might be accurately placed... it went down something like this:

A: So does anyone have a preference?
Others: (random conversations of preferred places)
A: okay, how about you Christy, any preference?
C: No not really, I mean wherever.
A: so no preference?
C: well, i mean it seems like the programming is pretty much the same regardless of what kitchen i get.
A: uhh hu...

Anyhoo... I just really need some people in front of me... please make the training end!
And tomorrow we get to work with the volunteers...

really I'm so very sorry about being so negative, there is a lot to look forward to , I know it. I can't seem to help it right now and all I can say is I might just cry if they don't have a veggie option at the BBQ tomorrow...

1 comment:

Kate Mc said...

Training ends next weekend, right? That's not TOO long to wait... and then there will be real people and it'll be fun. Lots of fun. In the Fort. With the beading... and the cooking... and the beading... and the double ball... and the endless beaver jokes... and the cooking..... and the bead... hang on, I can certainly see why you're a little concerned about this whole thing.