Wednesday, May 17, 2006

the fun and excitement continues

Things are looking up. I feel better about things now that I've put on my costume completely and been in front of people. (by the way, did I look hot or what?!) Even if these people included Billy who kept asking me
"are you pregnant, are you pregnant?" "Do you want to be?"
"let's do the no pants dance!"

aww Billy.

And tomorrow we get the influx of children. 1600 to be exact.

And I talked to Andrew about my hesitations and anxiety and he's seems committed to making me happy. So we'll work on it. Or it'll work itself out. One or the other. So it should be fine...

And man does it pay to know the costumer and to have bothered her early enough to get not only two costumes, but a belt, a pouch, moccasins, AND bling. Most of the girls are going without moccasins and belts. I guess it's fitting, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

hee hee.


Kate Mc said...

Aw Billy indeed. What a nut. Say hi to him for me.

Good luck with the children... *shudder* Last year when I finally didn't have to VS the children any more was the best dress rehearsal EVER! When you can't see them swarming up the path at the front, it's all good...

Kate Mc said...

Oh, and I will SO come visit you when you get to England... Let me know when travel arrangements and the like are finalized. My schedule from the 23 of Sept. onward is really flexible, except for Oct 6-8 when I'm due in Edinburgh.

Do you remember Tina from the Honours Room? She's at the big C as well... you'll hopefully see her there, too, as I think she's sticking around for her PhD after this year's Masters adventure. I, on the other hand, am totally schooled out for the moment.