Tuesday, May 09, 2006

no amusing chickens

I must start by apologising for the lack of amusing chickens on my blog site. I am digital camera deprived. Not saying that if I had a camera I'd have chickens, but still.
Anyhoo, lots of sitting today as we did era info sessions. I think it's amusing that all but one of the supervisors is new to their era so a couple of the sessions were, well, amusing. Mike did an amazing job, he's just a natural public speaker and very well put together so his was very good. Plus '05 is the best era, so it's hard to be bad presenting it.
I think, however, that the lack of a female on the supervisor list could have detrimental effects. Nothing outright, like something is going to be blown up or anything, but subtle effects. Meh, what do I know.
All I really know is that I really need a "staff training" thing to happen. The newbies need to be initiated into the ways of the fort party.

And jaquie better be there.


Sarah said...

Agreed and double agreed, Crispy. I'm hoping to invite them all to CC, though I reckon 3 will show up. Such is the way of newbies.

Kate Mc said...

Meh, don't want rubber chicken overkill. =) More amusing training anecdotes will be entirely sufficient. Hope the boring sitting bit ends soon and the good "let's clean out all last year's moldy kitchen supplies" bit begins.