Sunday, May 14, 2006

the lost blog

So I was writing a blog last night all about the day yesterday and how, well, angry I was at them making us listen to the exact same stuff they had already made us sit through. Just this time it also included volunteer stuff that had no pertinence to us whatsoever. I also was writing about how the BBQ was actually a shining light in the day because they actually went through a LOT of effort to get us things like tomatoes and pickles and cheese to put on the burgers (and yes, there were veggie burgers). The blog magically vanished. So here is my new one.

I feel bad about my attitude yesterday. Chautauqua girl and I were chatting at work last night and it seems as if the supers were getting some flack, from both sides. The volunteers, or rather one volunteer, was telling one of our supervisors that the day was a stupid idea and that none of the staff were coming to chat with them, that we were just sticking in our own groups. Said supervisor apparently stood up for us saying that it was a two way street.
I have to say that I had no interest whatsoever in making the effort to mingle with the volunteers. I much preferred to pout and whine and be angry at the perceived waste of my time. I mean, my anxiety about my era change and feeling that nothing thus far in training has been supremely productive combined with what I felt to be a complete waste of my time yesterday brought me almost past the point of frustration to apathy. Essentially, not a good frame of mind for mingling.

But now I feel bad. I forgot to recognize the effort that was put into this all by the supers, and one in particular. It really is not much to ask for us to try and mingle just a bit. They may have gone about it in a less than great manner, but still, they deserve to be cut a little slack from our side of things. Well, from my side of things.

I'm putting an apology out into the karmic space of things and I hope that I can be a bigger person the next chance I get. I really don't want to compete in the world record attempt for apathy.

1 comment:

Kate Mc said...

Honestly, I don't think people can be FORCED to mingle. It doesn't work. Unless you're, like, the only two people in a room. You get to know the volunteers through the summer. Just make an effort to be nice to htem when you run into them, and it'll all be good, right?