Saturday, May 06, 2006

the theivery continues

So no training aujourdhi since it is saturday. But I did walk in the great hman race this morning for the Friends of Rutherford House Society and then did some photo bookings. Brides suck. Not all, but really, I just think it's a little bizarre. Anyways, I decided to expand on the theivery of 10 things that has been going around, though I generally shy away from them, I'm bored. And my boy is busy. And my friends also busy. My dog, a little boring. Not that there isn;t lots to do. I'm just in one of those moods.
Anyways, here they are:
10 things:
TV Show: CSI, Amazing race, my name is earl, and the office. Though I by no means believe them to be the best shows on TV, they are the only ones my mom tapes and thus the only ones I actually see on a semi-regular basis
Flower: Amaranth, also known as love lies bleeding. I think it's by far the most interesting flower I've ever seen, and making a crown/cloak of it is supposed to confer invisibility so how cool is that?
Alcohol: Strongbow, though I too have recently taken a liking to Guinness
Movie: I dunno, I like movies, really, but there are so many and none that I can think of right now that stand out.
Colour: greyed out colours, especially green
Sport: loving soccer right now, my first game is on Sunday!
Actor: Seriously, I just don't pay that much attention
Music: I'm kinda an indie modern rock kinda chick
Season: Spring because it's so fresh and I can shed my layers and wear my flip-flops, then fall becasue of it's astonishing beauty and the sound of crunching leaves
Book: Well, I love Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and I really enjoyed reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - i thought it was clever.
10 FactsBirthplace: Edmonton.
Hometown: Edmonton.
Height: five foot twoish
Hair colour: dark brown is uppose, although that sounds dull
length:you guys all know how long my hair is
Hair style: umm, style?
Eye colour: green.
Skin colour: kind of olivey, mediterranean enough when tanned to fit in
Shoe size: 7 and 1/2
Citizenship: Canadian
10 This or that'sLove or lust? Love eventually, though lust is pretty nice for now.
Liquor or Beer? depends on the moment, if you're trying to be classy or not
Night or Day? Night's better for cuddling and being free, days better for running around outside.
Hook Ups or Relationships? Relationships of course.
TV or Internet? both at the same time, only one bores me a little
Wild night out or romantic night in? both, can't I have both, maybe not all at the same time? Coloured or Black and white picture? Black and white, cause I can do my own developing and printing.
Phone or in person? In person, definitely, I babble on the phone.
Bill Pullman or Bill Paxton? who? I do not knwo these people.
10 Have You EversHave you ever been caught sneaking out? Never snuck out.
Have you ever done something you regret? Mais oui.
Have you ever been on a house boat? Yes, a couple of summers with cousins, my 13th birthady was actually on a house boat.
Have you ever unintentionally injured a small child? yes. I kicked a kid in the head atkarate once. Though he could take it and was very good, it ust kind of happened. And when I say small child, he was like a very small 13 year old.
have you ever been charged with sexual assault? No!
Have you ever had your revenge? I feel the world will serve enough revenge on its own without my having to dirtyy my hands.
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? yup. On eof those really big ones too.
Have you ever stayed up all night til the sun came up? Yes, a couple of times when studying or working on papers and once in Italy itting ont he steps of the city hall.
Have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey? No, my hickeys have always been in more discreet places than the neck.
Have you ever been caught by your parents doing anything more than making out? No, At least I don'ty think so.
10 Are yousAre you missing someone right now? Well, not really I suppose. A little.
Are you happy? I am really happy right now. I have amazing friends and great opportunities and I'm having fun = me happy
Are you interested in taking a free stress test? not really.
Are you bored? Yes. That's really the only reason I'm doing this list. But for me boredom spreads boredom and I don't really feel like doing anything to aleviate it.
Are you German? No.
Are you Italian? No
Are you French? Really distantly, hence the last name.
Are you loyal to the smelly European countries of your ancestors? no
Are your parents still married? yes.
Are you into someone right now? very.

So there you have it. Any questions?

1 comment:

Kate Mc said...

Nope. I got 'nuttin. Thanks for the random facts about you, though. Always good to know.