I really must stop chewing my nails. They look piteous. meh. Just a thought that popped into my head. Maybe now that I've blogged about it, I will actually stop. Here's hoping.
I hate secrets. I'm not very good at keeping them. Usually if I can tell one person I'm fine, but if you tell one person, inevitabley it will get out. Oh boy am I holding onto a biggy. I also was told a smaller one today that a few others know of too, so that ones not so bad. They will eventually both be common knowledge, but it really isn't my place to tell others. especially the first one. Man I hate secrets. And no, there is no way on this earth that I am going to tell, I just really needed to say that I hate secrets. And maybe that will help me from bursting. Weird to be told two secrets in one day, isn't it?
X-men was awful by T's account, but in my general fashion I thought it was fine and will move on. I just get sucked in too easily to be critical. Sure it was cheesy as all hell, and it should have been called wolverine: the wolverine hour rather than X three, but it had pretty effects. Spikes coming out of cheeks and people being moleculed apart and stuff. I was still naivelyy shocked by the amount of people who came out to see it. we got there around 9:15 hoping to see the 9:45 showing. scoff. yah right. That show and the 10:15 and the 10:45 all sold out leaving us and B and L with 11:00 tickets. I'm surprised I actually stayed awake.
To which you may ask, then why are you blogging at 2:12 in the am? To which I would reply that I have a boy who makes my head spin and I cannot sleep just yet. I should clarify that the spinning is a good thing, just in case said boy is actually reading this.
Hmm, maybe I should research. That'll make me sleep.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I dislike missing soccer
All has been going relatively well on the fort end of things. Now that I'm happier about my direction this summer all other things seem minimal. And it's fun to watch the newbies grow into interping. Making fun of them can be fun, and it's even better when they really get into the swing of things and find a groove. T thinks that the fear of god hasn't been put into them yet regarding congregating, but I shouldn't comment on that since I'm a pretty bad offender on that front. Though I like to think that I congregate only minimally- smaller groups more often. And I could come up with lots of reasons why I enjoy the small groups congregating, but I don't feel the need to defend myself right now. Maybe later.
Somewhat odd though, is that in the past three days I have felt sick twice. On Monday I threw up a little and was generally nauseous for the afternoon all of a sudden. And just as suddenly this afternoon I just about fainted and actually had to sit on the floor while talking to a visitor. I'm so embarrassed. And I have no idea what to tell anyone because I have no idea why I might have fainted. Usually I faint when I'm sick. So maybe I'm just a little overworked, not yet used to the high energy levels the fort demands? Jokes of pregnancy have abounded and I'd rather they not. and I have also decided that it would be best for me to skip practice tonight just in case it is my energy levels or something connected to to much activity, and I dislike missing soccer. So hopefully enough is enough and I'll be right as rain when I get back after my 'weekend' at Ruthy.
Monday, May 22, 2006
I feel much better.
People make it better. The era may be different and there may be different problems and benefits, but the people are the same. As much as we tease and moan about them, the people make it better. They are the job. And I love the job.
I think I also feel better because my supervisor, A, is very good. He thought of a good idea for a character which is surprisingly what I needed.
I wasn't able to really figure out why I was feeling so out of place, I couldn't vocalise what I was all that anxious about, but when A suggested a character I felt so much better. I figured out that all of the things that I felt so comfortable doing where character driven: the maid, the suffragette, the temperance supporter, etc. That's also why I guess I thought I would fit so well as the "European" Rowand daughter - a character that I can latch onto and work from.
This one's good too, he suggested a woman kind of in between. Someone who doesn't really fit at the Fort, but doesn't fit with a native group either. I'd be doing a lot of the survival sort of skills like trapping and cooking rabbits on spits. I know, I know, kinda funny considering the vegetarianism and all... but I like it. It makes me a little rough and tumble. Down and dirty.
The back story could be fun too, I think I'll say my husband fell off the boat. :)
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
the fun and excitement continues
Things are looking up. I feel better about things now that I've put on my costume completely and been in front of people. (by the way, did I look hot or what?!) Even if these people included Billy who kept asking me
"are you pregnant, are you pregnant?" "Do you want to be?"
"let's do the no pants dance!"
aww Billy.
And tomorrow we get the influx of children. 1600 to be exact.
And I talked to Andrew about my hesitations and anxiety and he's seems committed to making me happy. So we'll work on it. Or it'll work itself out. One or the other. So it should be fine...
And man does it pay to know the costumer and to have bothered her early enough to get not only two costumes, but a belt, a pouch, moccasins, AND bling. Most of the girls are going without moccasins and belts. I guess it's fitting, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
hee hee.
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I write blogs like a two year old
Hey, so I just read the blogs that I've posted and, man, I hope they're somewhat more intelligible than I feel they are. I promise to try harder next time to make sense.
love finally abounds
I have found love. Just kidding, not love, more of a strange infatuation with running around and kicking a spherical object. Makes you feel really good. Not that my soccer team has won a game yet. We've only played two. Not that we've even gotten any real goals. We lost last game 2-0 and tonight we lost 4-2. Now I say that none of the goals we're really solid because one was scored by them on their own net and the other was when they stopped playing 'cause they thought the ball was out when it wasn't.
My team is hilarious as well because they are sooo supportive of everything. We're a rec team, so it doesn't really matter and the majority of us, like myself, have never played before and are just learning as we go. We also don't have a steady goalie, so we're going to rotate. I volunteered for tonight and learnt that no, I am not the natural goalie I may appear to the untrained eye. But still, I think I did as well as could be expected.
I also get a little bit of an ego boost. Like I said, everyone is so supportive and they seem to think I'm amazing at anything I do. For example, I started the night with someone saying very adamantly that I could not play goal. I was confused, but this was clarified by "you can't play goal, you're our best forward!" Awww shucks. Thanks guys. blush blush.
oh. and T, cut your toenails, those puppies will go right through those moccasins if you're not carefull! ;)
the lost blog
So I was writing a blog last night all about the day yesterday and how, well, angry I was at them making us listen to the exact same stuff they had already made us sit through. Just this time it also included volunteer stuff that had no pertinence to us whatsoever. I also was writing about how the BBQ was actually a shining light in the day because they actually went through a LOT of effort to get us things like tomatoes and pickles and cheese to put on the burgers (and yes, there were veggie burgers). The blog magically vanished. So here is my new one.
I feel bad about my attitude yesterday. Chautauqua girl and I were chatting at work last night and it seems as if the supers were getting some flack, from both sides. The volunteers, or rather one volunteer, was telling one of our supervisors that the day was a stupid idea and that none of the staff were coming to chat with them, that we were just sticking in our own groups. Said supervisor apparently stood up for us saying that it was a two way street.
I have to say that I had no interest whatsoever in making the effort to mingle with the volunteers. I much preferred to pout and whine and be angry at the perceived waste of my time. I mean, my anxiety about my era change and feeling that nothing thus far in training has been supremely productive combined with what I felt to be a complete waste of my time yesterday brought me almost past the point of frustration to apathy. Essentially, not a good frame of mind for mingling.
But now I feel bad. I forgot to recognize the effort that was put into this all by the supers, and one in particular. It really is not much to ask for us to try and mingle just a bit. They may have gone about it in a less than great manner, but still, they deserve to be cut a little slack from our side of things. Well, from my side of things.
I'm putting an apology out into the karmic space of things and I hope that I can be a bigger person the next chance I get. I really don't want to compete in the world record attempt for apathy.
Friday, May 12, 2006
the training continues
Well, ms. tudor rose, you may be nostalgic about the Fort, but this training is dragging on and on and on and on and on and on...
I can barely even remember what we did yesterday. We did some sight specific stuff in the morning and then some IDS training (interdisciplinary studies training, or drawing other interests into what we do here) which involved a movie with John Burke (I think that's his name). Amusing, but I admittedly had trouble staying awake.
But on a different note. I started the day literally thinking about what elephant calves I have and subsequently had two separate individuals remark at what nice calves I had. Weird. But that was a nice boost.
Anyways, today's training, more sight specific but it was rainy so we conversed and nothing of importance came out of it. Andrew was asking us where we might like to be positioned at first go in the Fort and I think he sensed my absolute lack of enthusiasm for any of the places a female might be accurately placed... it went down something like this:
A: So does anyone have a preference?
Others: (random conversations of preferred places)
A: okay, how about you Christy, any preference?
C: No not really, I mean wherever.
A: so no preference?
C: well, i mean it seems like the programming is pretty much the same regardless of what kitchen i get.
A: uhh hu...
Anyhoo... I just really need some people in front of me... please make the training end!
And tomorrow we get to work with the volunteers...
really I'm so very sorry about being so negative, there is a lot to look forward to , I know it. I can't seem to help it right now and all I can say is I might just cry if they don't have a veggie option at the BBQ tomorrow...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
So todays training. Where do I start? Well, I had a better day than chautauqua giral did, that's for sure. Emergency procedure was quick and fairly painless. Though they still are making everyone "go to the river". Okay, maybe the fort and '85 I can see getting stuck out there, but '05. Seriously? It's so much further than just going to the front. And I stilldon;t understand what they are going to do with us and all the visitors once we're there. I mean, I guess I don't really understand what situation wouldarise that we would have to evacuate like that. If it's something to do with the weather, it's not going to help us being out over there. If it's a fire, maybe, but we would be still suspiciously close to the fort and lots of wood and we're not any better off than going to the front. Maybe someone can enlighten me I don't feel like thinking abou it any more.
Then Gramshaw (an interp from the previous era, I was a volunteer on '05 one year he was interping there, like 8 years ago or sometng like that) came and gave a talk on presenting heritage. I thought it was a really good talk and gave me a lot to think about in terms of what we do, what biases we choose to present and the value of a site like this in today's society. I never really thought about the difference between presenting history and presenting heritage and about the visitors expectations of one or the other.
Then instead of program planning boredom we went into era specific stuff. Which is not making me excited to be in the fort. I am sad to say. The programs don't excite me one bit, I don't know what I was expecting, I mean I just wanted a change and a challenge, which is what I'm getting, but still. I now I've already said this, but I'm worried. I think it's think long training time. I just need people in front of me and all will be well. even children. They're kind of like people... right?
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
no amusing chickens
I must start by apologising for the lack of amusing chickens on my blog site. I am digital camera deprived. Not saying that if I had a camera I'd have chickens, but still.
Anyhoo, lots of sitting today as we did era info sessions. I think it's amusing that all but one of the supervisors is new to their era so a couple of the sessions were, well, amusing. Mike did an amazing job, he's just a natural public speaker and very well put together so his was very good. Plus '05 is the best era, so it's hard to be bad presenting it.
I think, however, that the lack of a female on the supervisor list could have detrimental effects. Nothing outright, like something is going to be blown up or anything, but subtle effects. Meh, what do I know.
All I really know is that I really need a "staff training" thing to happen. The newbies need to be initiated into the ways of the fort party.
And jaquie better be there.
Anyhoo, lots of sitting today as we did era info sessions. I think it's amusing that all but one of the supervisors is new to their era so a couple of the sessions were, well, amusing. Mike did an amazing job, he's just a natural public speaker and very well put together so his was very good. Plus '05 is the best era, so it's hard to be bad presenting it.
I think, however, that the lack of a female on the supervisor list could have detrimental effects. Nothing outright, like something is going to be blown up or anything, but subtle effects. Meh, what do I know.
All I really know is that I really need a "staff training" thing to happen. The newbies need to be initiated into the ways of the fort party.
And jaquie better be there.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
the theivery continues
So no training aujourdhi since it is saturday. But I did walk in the great hman race this morning for the Friends of Rutherford House Society and then did some photo bookings. Brides suck. Not all, but really, I just think it's a little bizarre. Anyways, I decided to expand on the theivery of 10 things that has been going around, though I generally shy away from them, I'm bored. And my boy is busy. And my friends also busy. My dog, a little boring. Not that there isn;t lots to do. I'm just in one of those moods.
Anyways, here they are:
10 things:
TV Show: CSI, Amazing race, my name is earl, and the office. Though I by no means believe them to be the best shows on TV, they are the only ones my mom tapes and thus the only ones I actually see on a semi-regular basis
Flower: Amaranth, also known as love lies bleeding. I think it's by far the most interesting flower I've ever seen, and making a crown/cloak of it is supposed to confer invisibility so how cool is that?
Alcohol: Strongbow, though I too have recently taken a liking to Guinness
Movie: I dunno, I like movies, really, but there are so many and none that I can think of right now that stand out.
Colour: greyed out colours, especially green
Sport: loving soccer right now, my first game is on Sunday!
Actor: Seriously, I just don't pay that much attention
Music: I'm kinda an indie modern rock kinda chick
Season: Spring because it's so fresh and I can shed my layers and wear my flip-flops, then fall becasue of it's astonishing beauty and the sound of crunching leaves
Book: Well, I love Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and I really enjoyed reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - i thought it was clever.
10 FactsBirthplace: Edmonton.
Hometown: Edmonton.
Height: five foot twoish
Hair colour: dark brown is uppose, although that sounds dull
length:you guys all know how long my hair is
Hair style: umm, style?
Eye colour: green.
Skin colour: kind of olivey, mediterranean enough when tanned to fit in
Shoe size: 7 and 1/2
Citizenship: Canadian
10 This or that'sLove or lust? Love eventually, though lust is pretty nice for now.
Liquor or Beer? depends on the moment, if you're trying to be classy or not
Night or Day? Night's better for cuddling and being free, days better for running around outside.
Hook Ups or Relationships? Relationships of course.
TV or Internet? both at the same time, only one bores me a little
Wild night out or romantic night in? both, can't I have both, maybe not all at the same time? Coloured or Black and white picture? Black and white, cause I can do my own developing and printing.
Phone or in person? In person, definitely, I babble on the phone.
Bill Pullman or Bill Paxton? who? I do not knwo these people.
10 Have You EversHave you ever been caught sneaking out? Never snuck out.
Have you ever done something you regret? Mais oui.
Have you ever been on a house boat? Yes, a couple of summers with cousins, my 13th birthady was actually on a house boat.
Have you ever unintentionally injured a small child? yes. I kicked a kid in the head atkarate once. Though he could take it and was very good, it ust kind of happened. And when I say small child, he was like a very small 13 year old.
have you ever been charged with sexual assault? No!
Have you ever had your revenge? I feel the world will serve enough revenge on its own without my having to dirtyy my hands.
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? yup. On eof those really big ones too.
Have you ever stayed up all night til the sun came up? Yes, a couple of times when studying or working on papers and once in Italy itting ont he steps of the city hall.
Have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey? No, my hickeys have always been in more discreet places than the neck.
Have you ever been caught by your parents doing anything more than making out? No, At least I don'ty think so.
10 Are yousAre you missing someone right now? Well, not really I suppose. A little.
Are you happy? I am really happy right now. I have amazing friends and great opportunities and I'm having fun = me happy
Are you interested in taking a free stress test? not really.
Are you bored? Yes. That's really the only reason I'm doing this list. But for me boredom spreads boredom and I don't really feel like doing anything to aleviate it.
Are you German? No.
Are you Italian? No
Are you French? Really distantly, hence the last name.
Are you loyal to the smelly European countries of your ancestors? no
Are your parents still married? yes.
Are you into someone right now? very.
So there you have it. Any questions?
Anyways, here they are:
10 things:
TV Show: CSI, Amazing race, my name is earl, and the office. Though I by no means believe them to be the best shows on TV, they are the only ones my mom tapes and thus the only ones I actually see on a semi-regular basis
Flower: Amaranth, also known as love lies bleeding. I think it's by far the most interesting flower I've ever seen, and making a crown/cloak of it is supposed to confer invisibility so how cool is that?
Alcohol: Strongbow, though I too have recently taken a liking to Guinness
Movie: I dunno, I like movies, really, but there are so many and none that I can think of right now that stand out.
Colour: greyed out colours, especially green
Sport: loving soccer right now, my first game is on Sunday!
Actor: Seriously, I just don't pay that much attention
Music: I'm kinda an indie modern rock kinda chick
Season: Spring because it's so fresh and I can shed my layers and wear my flip-flops, then fall becasue of it's astonishing beauty and the sound of crunching leaves
Book: Well, I love Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and I really enjoyed reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - i thought it was clever.
10 FactsBirthplace: Edmonton.
Hometown: Edmonton.
Height: five foot twoish
Hair colour: dark brown is uppose, although that sounds dull
length:you guys all know how long my hair is
Hair style: umm, style?
Eye colour: green.
Skin colour: kind of olivey, mediterranean enough when tanned to fit in
Shoe size: 7 and 1/2
Citizenship: Canadian
10 This or that'sLove or lust? Love eventually, though lust is pretty nice for now.
Liquor or Beer? depends on the moment, if you're trying to be classy or not
Night or Day? Night's better for cuddling and being free, days better for running around outside.
Hook Ups or Relationships? Relationships of course.
TV or Internet? both at the same time, only one bores me a little
Wild night out or romantic night in? both, can't I have both, maybe not all at the same time? Coloured or Black and white picture? Black and white, cause I can do my own developing and printing.
Phone or in person? In person, definitely, I babble on the phone.
Bill Pullman or Bill Paxton? who? I do not knwo these people.
10 Have You EversHave you ever been caught sneaking out? Never snuck out.
Have you ever done something you regret? Mais oui.
Have you ever been on a house boat? Yes, a couple of summers with cousins, my 13th birthady was actually on a house boat.
Have you ever unintentionally injured a small child? yes. I kicked a kid in the head atkarate once. Though he could take it and was very good, it ust kind of happened. And when I say small child, he was like a very small 13 year old.
have you ever been charged with sexual assault? No!
Have you ever had your revenge? I feel the world will serve enough revenge on its own without my having to dirtyy my hands.
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? yup. On eof those really big ones too.
Have you ever stayed up all night til the sun came up? Yes, a couple of times when studying or working on papers and once in Italy itting ont he steps of the city hall.
Have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey? No, my hickeys have always been in more discreet places than the neck.
Have you ever been caught by your parents doing anything more than making out? No, At least I don'ty think so.
10 Are yousAre you missing someone right now? Well, not really I suppose. A little.
Are you happy? I am really happy right now. I have amazing friends and great opportunities and I'm having fun = me happy
Are you interested in taking a free stress test? not really.
Are you bored? Yes. That's really the only reason I'm doing this list. But for me boredom spreads boredom and I don't really feel like doing anything to aleviate it.
Are you German? No.
Are you Italian? No
Are you French? Really distantly, hence the last name.
Are you loyal to the smelly European countries of your ancestors? no
Are your parents still married? yes.
Are you into someone right now? very.
So there you have it. Any questions?
Friday, May 05, 2006
I'm sooooo techno savy!
I am so very very proud of myself right now! I figured out how to change my titles and links on the sidebar! Now that may not be such a big deal to all of you fine folk who have already managed to do this, but man do I feel accomplished!
Anyways, todays training consisted of.... drum roll please... code of conduct training!!! YaY!!!
Now, as you may recall, there used to be a really bizarre video that really had no relation to what we were doing. I've never actually seen this video, so I was kind of looking forward to the mind nubing stupidity of it. I started watching it two summers ago but just about fainted, so I had to leave early on. Then I wasn't at training the next year, and this year, since it doesn't pertain to us at all, we didn't actually watch it, so lo and behold, I've yet to see the code of conduct video and sadly must rely on the rumored awfulness of it.
Then we had a short vocal thing about using our voices well this summer then site specific training. Since I'm all the way down in the Fort this year, I'm anxious to get my knowledge up to par with the era. All new stuff and new spaces, and I think I will have to modify my interpretive style to the space a bit, but I'm excited. It's a new challenge, which is something I really wanted this summer. And plus, I get to wear pajamas all summer and don't have to bathe. Cool.
Plus we get to talk about beaver and play with double balls...
Thursday, May 04, 2006
upon request
So, upon request from perhaps the only person reading my blog at present, I will recount my training adventures of the day.
Today was only semi-real training, since we had an amazing race type thing. Much fun. Thouroughly enjoyed. Of course, this could be because of the fact that my team completely kicked butt. We were the only ones to finish. WE ROCK. WOOOOO!
There were clues that led to a building, and once you made it to that building you got another clue that sent you to another building. So we were going back and forth, back and forth, Fort to 1905 to fort to 1920's, etc. etc. etc.
I think this is because I made them jog the entire way (which is like, 2 hours of jogging by the by) and because, though the other teams also had returning staff members, I think my 12 past summers here helped.
Everyone was rewarded with a little coke in a glass bottle. Fun. Also itwas really sunny and a brilliant day so that helped.
I finished the day by going to my other job. It was a really nice ceremony that was a young couple and, like, 6 others, so was easy and lovely because they were so interested and genuine.
so yah, c'est tout pour aujourdhi.
a demain
Today was only semi-real training, since we had an amazing race type thing. Much fun. Thouroughly enjoyed. Of course, this could be because of the fact that my team completely kicked butt. We were the only ones to finish. WE ROCK. WOOOOO!
There were clues that led to a building, and once you made it to that building you got another clue that sent you to another building. So we were going back and forth, back and forth, Fort to 1905 to fort to 1920's, etc. etc. etc.
I think this is because I made them jog the entire way (which is like, 2 hours of jogging by the by) and because, though the other teams also had returning staff members, I think my 12 past summers here helped.
Everyone was rewarded with a little coke in a glass bottle. Fun. Also itwas really sunny and a brilliant day so that helped.
I finished the day by going to my other job. It was a really nice ceremony that was a young couple and, like, 6 others, so was easy and lovely because they were so interested and genuine.
so yah, c'est tout pour aujourdhi.
a demain
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
the wonderful world of the fort
Chitaqua girl, though I know I spelled her name wrong, blogged that since work began, summer began. It's amazing that I totally agree. For the last bit of April I just couldn't wait for May because May meant the beginnings of a job I adore and with it all things I associate with summer. Though, admittedly, training can be exceedingly dull, and I'm already tired of sitting, fun does arise. Tommorrow for example we have an amazing race, how cool is that? Well, I suppose we'll see how cool that is.
Although, I guess I don't really need to blog about this, since most people reading this would already know since they too are in on the training thingy. meh. I'll get the hang of this sooner or later.
Although, I guess I don't really need to blog about this, since most people reading this would already know since they too are in on the training thingy. meh. I'll get the hang of this sooner or later.
wow. I'm really confused.
I have no idea what I'm doing here. I really am just fumbling about. But I've already been able to contact a friend abroad that I have been unfortunately neglecting, so I feel this blog thing is good for me. Especially with my plans to run away as well. It'll be a great way to interact with people I care about who also blog. So that's the plan, and I'm really trying to start early. So this is the pre-emtpive blog explaining my blog waryness, but I'll post again, as if I know what I'm doing. 'k? k.
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