Thursday, October 05, 2006

You know what's weird about King's?

The cows.

Why on earth does King's college have cows? None of the other colleges have cows... but we do. I guess it falls in line with King's not really falling in line with the rest of the colleges, but I mean really now. How are we asserting our independant, liberally minded nature with cows? Don't get me wrong. I like cows and I actually love that we have them at college. It makes me think of the Rutherfords having a random cow in their back yard, just on a bigger scale.
The cows have a great view too. The photo on the post below, that's basically the Cow's eye view. The person taking that photo was probably standing right in a huge pile of cow patty. I figure that when ever I get stressed, I;ll just wander over and look at the cows serenly munching away, oblivious to the stresses of academic life. I mean it's hard writing papers on the ornamental design elements of the archaic mediterranean world. It is... i swear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you milk the cows? Mmmm...fresh cream for your coffee....How very picturesque. It reminds me of the wild bunnies at UVic.