Friday, February 16, 2007

Nothing of interest

I just thought I'd best post and tell why no post has been occurring.

It's because if I did post, it would be nothing but slight neuroticism about my impending due date with an essay that is nowhere near complete, my continuing to think of German as the 10th circle of hell, and how, despite my anxieties on my work, I still maintain an optimism that things will work out.

see? booooooring. You've all heard it before.

So in addendum, I will add weird thing about me number 3, to make things a little more interesting (hopefully). I have a bizarre obsession with clipping my toenails. They must be kept short and clean at all times. If I have somehow forgotten clippers (say on a vacation or something) it will drive me slightly mad. I think it's for two reasons: one being who the heck wants long gross toenails? and two being the karate factor. I have been cut by someones toenail before, and that is not cool. In karate it's important to keep all nails short and clean, and since I chew my finger nails and don't have to worry about clipping them, the obsession developed only for my toenails. I think it's weird.

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