Sunday, February 25, 2007

Weird thing about me #4
Though I have to admit, this may be cheating a bit since I have a feeling this is something that everyone does. I don't know for sure, and I'm writing about it, so I justify this as weird thing about me #4.
I keep seeing people here that remind me of people at home. That's not so weird in and of itself, but I think it's extremely strange that the people I see always remind me of only minor acquaintances or lesser friends than the people I really care about. For example: 'hey, that girl looks/acts/has the exact same aura/ as someone in my first year English class.' And I was so sure that I'd seen this younger male with really long blond hair before that I considered asking if he lived in Edmonton, though I really don't know where I would have seen him or what his name is. I have a feeling he went to the same high school as I did, but I severely doubt this is the case.
See, reminding me of people I don't even know. Isn't that weird? I was thinking that maybe it's because I know these people less and just have a general impression of them. So when that general impression is matched, I'm reminded of the person. Whereas with my friends, I know more about you, you in my head is much more complex.
No, but that doesn't really work, because you could also argue that since I know more about you, there are more features and characteristics that could appear in someone else that would remind me of you thereby being statistically more probable.

huh. weird.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

what the hey

I'm jumping on the bandwagon. The really sad thing is that I already did this once on facebook and therefore am doubling my waste of time. But it feels like a time wasting sort of day. I should be starting on my next project or doing some german, but meh. I can justify a day off.

Life SoundtrackIF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE?So, here's how it works:1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)2. Put it on shuffle3. Press play4. For every question, type the song that's playing5. When you go to a new question, press the next button6. Don't lie
Opening Credits:
a) The Flaming Lips 'Turn it on'. (Hey one that works well right of the bat!)
b) The Smalls 'My Chords like this'

Waking Up:
a) Mogwai 'auto rock' (This one is perfect... it's like my itunes knows...)
b) Marilyn Manson 'I don't like the drugs (but the drugs like me)' (So it's going to be that kind of a day is it?)

First day at High School:
a) Green day 'The grouch' (Perfect song number 3. this is getting weird)
b) The Trews 'Hollis and Morris'

Falling in Love:
a) Hayden 'pots and pans' (Seriously now... it's not just getting weird, it is weird. I think it's perfect, sort of a quirky falling in love)
b) The Shins 'fighting in a sack'

Fight Song:
a) Damien Rice 'Lonelily' (okay, this one and the Shins, above, should be reversed... itunes messed up a little... but still)
b) Smashing Pumpkins 'slow dawn' (guess I'm not much of a fighter)

Breaking Up:
a) Joseph Arthur 'in the night' (Now we're getting back on track)
b) Clinic 'internal wrangler'

a) The Smalls 'domination' (huh...)
b) Big Sugar 'all hell for a basement' (apparently it's going to be an angsty prom)

a) 'The man who sold the world' sung by Jordi Unga (I love it. Absolutely perfect, it's gonna be a good life)
b) Econoline Crush 'Elegant' (okay, maybe not such a great life)

Mental Breakdown:
a) Chris Bell 'Speed of sound' (a little relaxed for breaking down, but still, it's about being jilted so I suppose it works)
b) Space 'Charlie M' (this is much more fitting for a breakdown)

a) the Watchmen 'stereo'
b) Steve Burns 'a snivelling mess'

a) Paul Westerberg 'nowhere man' (only works if the flashback is showing how useless and wasted one's life was)
b) Death Cab for Cutie 'Champagne from a paper cup'

Getting Back Together:
a) The Grapes of Wrath 'I am here' (Fitting song, most definitely)
b) Smashing Pumpkins 'perfect' (what more can I say?)

a) Green day 'nice guys finish last' (oh dear lord. More interesting than my prom)
b) The strokes 'razorblades' (forboding perhaps?)

Birth of Child:
a) Miles Davis 'my ship' (who knew I had this on my ipod? I didn't)
b) The Flaming lips 'Pilot can at the queer of god' (doesn't look good for my child does it?)

Final Battle:
a) The Grapes of Wrath 'see emily play'
b) Ann Reinking in Chicago 'Funny Honey' (much like magnolia, I was wondering when the show tunes would kick in... and also like Magnoia, it had to be in the battle scene didn't it)

Death Scene:
a) The muppets 'ma na ma na' (What a way to go! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying! Not exactly a glamorous way to die now is it?)
b) Daniel Powter 'Give me life' (That's much better)

Funeral Song:
a) Damien Rice 'eskimo' (moving)
b) The Shins 'saint simon' (I'm okay with this one too)

End Credits:
a) hayden 'lullaby' (ah Hayden comes through in the end to close off perfetly!)
b) Damien Rice (again) 'volcano' (one of my favourite songs so I'm happy)

So. In summation: Some extremely fitting songs, some not so much, and I can look forward to my final battle in accordance with show tunes.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The end is in sight. For this essay at least. I have a) already cut enough words out of it to lie that it's only slightly over, b) found a colour printer, which was surprisingly difficult, and printed off my images, and c) searched out those elusive footnoting and reference bits that I managed to not make note of.

So now, I will go to yoga, try to convince my friends to go for sushi afterwards, and then finish it up and print it out before I hit the sack.

Yay! I have to say, I think this one is much better than the first one, so here's hoping!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Blogging lull

Everyone seems to be in a blogging lull right now, so I thought I'd do my best to make myself get out of mine so that others might follow suit. You never know, right?

So yesterday I bussed into Oxford (approximatley 3hrs each way) so that I could have an interview with this fellow named John Camp who runs an excavation in the Athenian agora that I would like to be on this summer. It's an intersting locaion to dig, it's in Athens, it fits with the time between school and the lefkandi dig I'm on, you don't have to pay, and they supply accommodation and a food allowance. All in all, not bad prospects. The problems are that I will still be finishing my course and need to be in Cambridge when it starts, missing about a week at the beginning, and the fact that I'm Canadian studying at a British school puts me in the cracks in terms of allegiance on an American dig. So I've been accepted to the dig, but he doesn't want me to take up a bed and would prefer for me to find my own accommodation. Eep. It will be subsidised with €50 a week, but only the cheapest of hostels go for about €11 euro. It's okay, I think I'd be willing to do that since I've stayed in one of those hostels before and it wasn't bad quality wise. But still. I think the accommodation they provide is much nicer. I'm trying to see if the canadian institute in Athens can help me out with anything, but it's so small that I doubt they'd have anything. I'll keep looking, who knows, maybe if I pick the brains of some of my connected friends I can find someone to stay with or something like that.

So there' that. My essay is due on Friday, and it's actually shaping up. It's much too long right now, and I have no idea what to cut, but it has a good point to it and I think that the argument I'm making is much better than in my first essay. It's the writing that still needs some help, but hey, I've still got a couple of days to make it work. I just need to focus. And skip German.
After this week I can start to really focus on my pot sherd project and getting my thesis off the ground. I'm excited for both, I feel headed in at least the right general direction right now.

I think.

What else...? Oh, my soccer team is finished for the season (it's considered a winter sport here, which I think is absurd. I suppose they have to limit it, but still, there is absolutely no reason why soccer cannot be played in the summer as well). As you can tell I'm rather grumpy about it being over. Now how am I going to be motivated to get out and run around? Seriously. This is not a good move for my mental or physical wellness.
We did, I think, perfectly. We tied for first place on points in the league with two other teams (we each won 6 out of 7 games), but we were in third place with the lowest goal differential. This means that although we did really well, the team stays in the third tier and doesn't move up a level. This is perfect because I think that staying in the 3rd tier is good for a team who is not necessarily in it to compete and it's important that those who have never played before but want to join don't feel outclassed. Therefore, we placed perfectly.

Alright, so now, needs must focus.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Nothing of interest

I just thought I'd best post and tell why no post has been occurring.

It's because if I did post, it would be nothing but slight neuroticism about my impending due date with an essay that is nowhere near complete, my continuing to think of German as the 10th circle of hell, and how, despite my anxieties on my work, I still maintain an optimism that things will work out.

see? booooooring. You've all heard it before.

So in addendum, I will add weird thing about me number 3, to make things a little more interesting (hopefully). I have a bizarre obsession with clipping my toenails. They must be kept short and clean at all times. If I have somehow forgotten clippers (say on a vacation or something) it will drive me slightly mad. I think it's for two reasons: one being who the heck wants long gross toenails? and two being the karate factor. I have been cut by someones toenail before, and that is not cool. In karate it's important to keep all nails short and clean, and since I chew my finger nails and don't have to worry about clipping them, the obsession developed only for my toenails. I think it's weird.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


It's like i'm two. Seriously, I am so excited that it's snowing, the first thing I did when I got up (apart form getting soem clothes on, and yelling SNOW!) was to grab my camera and play outside for awhile. You would think I never saw snow before in my life.

Monday, February 05, 2007

gah. small venting required.

I was working really well, finally getting stuff done on my essay, until this girl decided to sit next to me and mouth breath.

okay, fair enough, it's cold season and I can't fault her for what may be illness induced loud breathing. But it bugs me nonetheless and that's all I can think of right now. I keep thinking about something I read about in a turn of the century text about mouth-breathers and their inherently boorish nature...
Maybe I'll go home and try and work there instead. I need some lunch anyways.

Addition: this made me think of weird thing about me #2:
I am oddly fascinated about the concept of mouth breathing and all that it implies. This text I was referring to talked about a student who was below average and a mouth breather until undergoing an operation to remove some sort of nodules from his nose. Surprise surprise... he instantly became a perfect child who was bright, caring, athletic and had perfect posture! (I may be exaggerating somewhat, but the idea is there). And ever since then, as previously noted, I have been oddly fascinated by this. I suppose it is the idea that something as small as how we breath can be, and is, a point for stereotyping and debasing others, and how these ideas can get handed down from periods in time where we can excuse this sort of thinking but somehow manage to linger on.
Okay, I'm over thinking this, I'm in essay mode...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

some things in my life:

My essay is at least on a track. I don't know if it's a good track, but it is a track nonetheless.
My soccer team is on a role. We won our 3rd game in a row, and this one was a hard one.
The disease is coming to get me again. I can feel it invading. guh.

and I've been tagged to write 6 weird things about myself which I think may have to come in instalments.
the 1st weird thing about me is that I have an (unnatural?) tendency to empathize with inanimate objects. For example, when I was younger, my mom bought us new pillows, but I felt too sorry for my old pillow to get rid of it. I actually cried.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Here are those pictures of the grand "snowfall" that occured last week. Can you see the snow? Huh? Can you? It's kind of like Where's Waldo".

Man, I am such a snow snob.