Sunday, November 19, 2006

The tea shop I live above really is the tea shop I live above now since it opened today. Yay! no more infernal banging and a constant source of all things tea. I haven't actually had time to be in it yet, but it seems okay. Although, it's called "Ti" and is a little bit cheesy in it's invocation of the east (you'll see what I mean when I get photos) but it's not bad.

My disease is basically a cough now. A slightly dreadful and inhuman cough, but a cough only. My soccer team played this afternoon two people short, against a team in the first tier (we're in third) so needless to say I really got a workout this afternoon. And coupled with the cough that left me quite unable to breath at times, my body feels quite exhausted. But good. I feel good. And I feel ready to revise my essay yet again before I go to bed tonight in order to hand in a better-than-last-and-hopefully-almost-good-enough-to-hand-in rough draft in the morn.

And I really must look into that butler thing Chautauqua girl suggests...
plus the oil lights are really very handy you know, i suggest we import them into Canada so we can see the bears we're wrestling.

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