Friday, November 10, 2006

I had a good day. Not that I was overly productive or anything crazy like that, but I did have a meeting with some profs about my project in leu of a third essay and I am so very excited about it.

I am revelling in my dorkiness right now. Seriously, I have been on a high all day because I'm going to be able to draw pottery sherds. Not just any pottery sherds mind you, mycenaean late helladic IIIC and IIIB pottery sherds. You're jealous aren't you? don't try to deny it.
As if I wasn't excited enough about it there's also the chance that my supervisor for the project will let me come to Knossos for a week (using classics faculty money) to teach me how to draw pottery there. The site is actually run by one of the directors from Lefkandi which increases my chances of going greatly since I already know him and managed to make a really good impression on him this summer.

So we'll see, but things are coming out roses right now.
I just had a good Greek class where I felt that I had actually learned something and wasn't completely useless, and I am looking forward to going to the pub for a veggie burger. My world is complete.

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