Friday, November 17, 2006

It's rainy and grey out there this morning. The kind of day where, when coupled with a cough and runny nose, you really just want to stay cuddles under your blankets with your head in the pillow ignoring the fact that you must go see your supervisor in an hour.


Nah, it's okay. I haven't really been able to complain about the weather here, it's been pretty nice, this is the first really grey day that I've woken up to. I mean, last night it was raining, or rather it had just stopped raining so the skies were clear and starry, but the ground was shiny and wet and the trees were orange and yellow and it looked really very beautiful. I guess I'm just being fussy because I'm still diseased.

Seriously, when I cough, I sound like I'm harbouring a demon of death in my chest. but I'm doing everything I can think of to get better and stay better, even without the coldFX the tudor Rose has offered to send me a couple of times (but yes at this point I'll be home around the same time it would arrive, and I think that I'll stock up then).


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. Being sick sucks. I would come make you hot toddies and herbal teas and such if I could.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Feel better, and go investigate that tea shop your live above. Oh, and take a warm shower with lots of nice smelling things.
On another note, where is your personal student-butler to tuck you in and feed you Buckley's? Apparently you can hire them for pennied a day! But that is according to my 1812 "Cambridgium Travellus", and I understand there has been a mild rate of inflation. In any case, you can expect to have gaslight installed any day now, so you needn't work in the dark any longer!