yup. Motivation has completely left the building.
There really is a lot for me to get done before I leave but I feel as if it will be accomplished. I want to have my essay completely finished and ready to and ready to hand in on the 1st so that I can spend the few days after that getting my next essay topics in order. But I don't know if that is too optimistic in my present state of mind. Plus this next week has plenty of stuff going on such as:
1) heading into Oxford tomorrow for a reunion with the folk from my Lefkandi dig this summer
2) not one but two formal halls (possibly three)
3) plenty of semester end drinks in faculty, kings, and the hostel I'm living in
4) I hope to go see Troy: the musical! that is playing next weekend
5) There's an advent service I'll be attending at the chapel sunday night
so hopefully i'll be destracted enough to work on finishing my essay, if that makes any sense.
I hear it's downright cold in e-town right now. At least you can all whine about it with reason, people here complain and it's not even below zero. It's chilly, sure, but not what I'd call cold just yet. And we seem to be getting more than enough days of crisp sunshiney blue skies. Sorry, didn't mean to rub it in... I miss snow, really I do.