Saturday, September 09, 2006

you know what? I feel rather limbo-esque. I can't seem to get grounded and do anything of any value. I suppose I don't want to get into anything to big before going, but at the same time I want to make th emost use of this time available. And now I am facing the fact that the server at Rutherford quit for a real job leaving us high and dry (odd how this is the second time that the server quits when I'm one of very few people available to fill in). It's not that I mind serving. In fact I do enjoy it on occasion and I like that I can be useful when people i adore need me, but this throws kinks in my relaxing three weeks plan. Since now, I have to figure out how wagon tours works into this whole thing. And I will feel guilty every time I tell Ruthy I can't work due to wagon obligations and guilty every time I tell wagon tours I can't work due to Ruthy oligations. Bah. I know that my marvelous supervisors will understand and be as flexible as they are able, but still. And I am also determined to have at least a couple of days of before I go.
seriously... I will have them.
quit laughing...

1 comment:

Kate Mc said...


That's what I told myself, too. "Oh, yeah, I'll have a month off to relax, pack, see people..."

Then Brad Pitt came to town. I worked until 72 hours before I left. I suppose you can consider 72 hours a few days off, right?