Friday, September 15, 2006

Yay!!!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you people at the British high COmmission in Ottawa! I recieved an email today saying that my Visa has been issued! This is much sooner than the skin of my teeth ten working days that had been predicted!!! Soon it will be in my hands and thus will finally be finished the ordeal of the student visa.

That and the fact that wagon tours was cancelled. Yay for the rain. Did I spend it reading like a good girl? I still plan to , but not yet. Did I spend it working on the manual I'm working on for Ruthy? No, but my mom's been using my computer, so I alas and alak could not. Did I spend it cleaning my absurdly messy room in preparation for my departure? Hell no. What did I do? I shopped. I visited that mammoth thing of a mall with my little sister and spent some dough. Not that I enjoy shopping all that much, nor do I enjoy The Mall, but it is nice to have some new clothes. Add this to the lovely sweater I got yesterday with delly bean and I'm in the clothes. Wooha.

All is right with the world on this rainy rainy day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I neglected to wish you bon voyage on your trip off to cambridge. Well, send a forwarding address so I can send you crap in the mail, and have an amazing time. You are learning on the shoulders of giants!