Friday, January 26, 2007

Robbie B-ing

A yes. Good ole Robert Burns. We thank thee for the poem-ing and the giving us a reason to be haggis-ing and ceilidh-ing. Where would we be without poems such as "To a Louse" and "To a Mouse" not to mention "Auld Lang Syne".
We were formal hall-ing in celebration of Scotland's National poet yesterday and though I was denied even my vegetarian haggis (apparently some meat eaters changed their minds about eating the king of the pudding race and sneakily took my food instead) it was indeed good fun.

(Geeze. It's actually harder than it looks to be verbing all these nouns, you really have to think... sorry to all you who don't read hypocriticaconfessions. Inside joke.)

In other news:
It snowed here. Really it did. I was going to put up pictures but I re-instled windows and haven't yet recieved the camera software that my mom sent me. So no pics, but it should be soon. But seriously, it took me a while to realise it had snowed because it only stuck in a few places like roof-tops and on grass. Most of it was melted by the time I even set foot out the door at 11:00. I was amused.

Also, I am very nervous about going to the faculty today. We get our marks back for our first essays. eep. It's kind of like christmas when you know you could be getting something really awful.

I'll let you know how it goes.


Kate Mc said...

Fingers, toes, legs, eyes, everything is crossed that your 'marking' is good (ok, that one doesn't sound all that weird) and very excited that your blog could be 'pictured' soon.

Magnolia said...

Oh Crispy, why do you insist on hurting me this way? Well, I'll selflessly put all that aside and wish you luck on your papers!

Magnolia said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I am actually related to the Scottish Bard. It's a genealogical fact. A great grandmother on my dad's side was a Burns. Ach.