Monday, January 29, 2007

I don't know how to start. In fact I don't know what I'm doing at all. My paper that is. I didn't get the best mark on my first paper, which is somewhat disheartening. It wasn't awful, it's definitely manageable, but it wasn't what I'd hoped. This next essay doesn't seem to be doing any better. I know I need to write something tonight, but I just cannot seem to get started because I don't really know what I want to say.

It doesn't help that I was sitting in the library all day trying to find articles to no avail. It's just not flowing together.


Magnolia said...

Back to basics. Read what you've already done with a critical eye. Question your assumptions, answer your questions. You probably have more material than you think.

Kate Mc said...

I did warn you about the British marking system, didn't I? A distinction is a much lower number on the percentage scale than it is here in Canada. Odds are you didn't do so badly as you think.

Crispy said...

thanks magnolia, once again you are wise. I definitly have questions. And my dear kate, you did warn me and trust me, I know where I stand. Like I said it's not awful, just not great and I need to pull it up if I want to continue. I was only able to get a page of questions and something that looks kind of like an outline last night. But I'll give it another go today since I need to give it to my prof tomorrow. Thanks again!