Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm such a girl!

Guess what I did today. Bet you can't guess!
Have you guessed yet?
I bought 2, yes 2, hundred dollars on makeup.
My little sister's amazing Christmas present to me was to go to MAC and get some makeup done by one of the girls there and 40 dollars of makeup. And then I bought 200 dollars more. I justify this by the fact that I don't really own any makeup, only a little bit. But I have been wearing the little bit I own quite a lot lately. And it's all good quality stuff that will last me a long time and it's much cheaper to buy it here than decide I want to get it and have to buy it in England.
Then we went to lunch.

All in all, I'm feeling much better, having had a great day with delly then this with my sis.

Not much of a confidence hunter, but somehow I think it's creeping back up on me anyways. Thanks everyone. I really really hope to see those of you I haven't seen soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I met some friends of the family for dinner at the beginning of the month. They looked at me and said "You look different..." I couldn't figure out what it was that they were going on about... until I pointed out that I was wearing makeup (which is required at TBS). That was it. My response - "Yup, I'm a girl".