Saturday, April 07, 2007


The baby ducklings have hatched! This of course results in two things: first, an automatic baby voice and desperate urge to cuddle, and second, a guilty joy knowing it's still snowy where you are and wanting to rub it in. Karma may just hurt me soon, but I don't care. Now all I need for the spring transfrmation to be complete is for them to bring back the King's cows.


Anonymous said...

Awww! I'm so jealous! All we have here is snow mold and it makes me sneeze and I hate it *pouty face*

george said...

i won't cause bodily harm...but i am a bit envious. my almost-green world is suddenly white again and it's very annoying. send some warm weather our way, would you please?

Kate Mc said...

I would try to cause bodily harm, but I know you'd kick my ass. :-) So very very very very very very very jealous. Especially when I left England and it was sunny and 14 degrees and got here and it was snowing and -7.

Damn those ducklings are cute. It's nice to know "duck rape season" has some visually pleasant results.