Wednesday, September 19, 2007
bureaucracy 1, me 0
and I'm also mad at the fact that even the little things are not going right for me today... like trying to call a bunch of embassies and then trying to call airway people. for example... trying to call british airways to change my ticket... first, i just happen to run out of money on my cell. second, the first payphone i can find is decapitated, i.e. no reciever. the second inexplicably non-functioning, the third working, but it is now 5 minutes past five. the office closed at five. i try to call long distance to the one in england and for some reason cannot get through.
any ways. I'm just going to have to suck it up and pay the massive amount they are charging me to change my ticket, but first I have to walk back to lefkandi and get the bank card that is sitting in my room instead of being in my bag only to walk back (30 min. both ways). can't say i'm not getting my exercise.
anyways, enough complaining. I'm bitter, yes, but still. things aren't that bad, just expensive and time consuming. Maybe it's better that I go back to england to sort some stuff out, and on the bright side i have some friends there who have already offered up their couches and floors.
that's it for now, i have to get walking if I'm going to make dinner...
Saturday, September 01, 2007
This is the view from my balcony. Lefkandi can't be beat for seaside views: what it lacks in creature comforts, it makes up for in seascapes. it's basically a place where athenians come and beach it up for the weekend so the weekends are overrun with vacationing greeks, but there are vary vary few people from elsewhere and we are a bit of an anomally as english speakers. lefkandi has a ton of tavernas, but nothing along the lines of a bank (or atm), post office, supermarket, internet cafe, etc etc. so to get anything you have to walk to the next town 1/2 an hour away. That outcropping of land is where the site is located.
these are the workem i'm with and the trench that i'm in. basically, looking for a big wall. the photo heare is just starting to see it come up, but by this point we've uncovered approximately 9 meters of what is now a 19 meter long wall (you can see it running back in the distance of the trench uncovered last year). I don't mind saying that my wheel barrow and shovel boy are probably the cutest ones, thereby making our trench the hottest one by far (not temperature wise either).
we have along weekend which is great because it will allow me to go into athens and attempt to deal with the greek bueaucracy which will either extend my visa so i can stay until christmas or not. I'm looking forward to a day of waiting and incomprehensible organisation. keep your fingers crossed.